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Finding More with Less

Last year, Steve and I spent a couple of months in Italy and pictured this as the beginning of some more substantial travel for me to paint and Steve to photograph.

That was then... and Covid is now. What a difference a year makes!

But while less may not necessarily always be more, I am finding that with a restricted lens comes a creative expansion. You don’t have to travel to distant cities to find wonderful new worlds. Sometimes they can be found in your own backyard.

Whether taking a trip to the community garden to watch the sunset, and spying a flock of Southern-traveling geese...

...or walking around the Great Pond, where we got engaged and married almost 30 (gulp) years ago...

or simply noticing the beauty of our own garden flowers...’s less a matter of means than mindset.

There is beauty all around, and I’m rising to the challenge of finding it in smaller and unexpected places.

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